Make Ahead Veggie Breakfast Casserole Recipe | Little Spice Jar (2024)

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A super simple veggie loaded breakfast casserole that’s easily customizable! I loaded mine with shredded potatohash browns, tons of fresh veggies, and a big dash of hot sauce! You can add crumbled sausage, shredded chicken, or anything else you please!

Make Ahead Veggie Breakfast Casserole Recipe | Little Spice Jar (1)


I am so excited to be bringing you one of my all-time favorite breakfast casseroles. It’s loaded with shredded potato hash browns and tons ofsauteéd spinach, bell peppers, and mushrooms. Not only is it a cinch to whip up, but it’s also totally customizable! Be it sausage, ground chicken/turkey, shredded rotisserie chicken, or meatless – with tons of veggies like I made it. The options are endless.

Once you’ve got your protein picked out, grab your favorite cheese and start shredding.Mozzarella, swiss, and sharp cheddar are just some of the cheeses that will pair well with this casserole.

BUT BUT BUT! More reasons to make it –> you can MAKE IT AHEADand just bake it off in the morning. How good would this be for Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas breakfast? A nice hearty and veggie loaded casserole that’ll keep you and the little ones going all day long.

How to make a veggie breakfast casserole:

Make Ahead Veggie Breakfast Casserole Recipe | Little Spice Jar (2)

I kind of debated whether I should actually call this a ‘breakfast casserole recipe’ as it’s more of a guideline that can easily be adapted to yourfamily’s breakfast casserole needs.

Did I mention it makes a ton? Like 10-12 servings! The hubby and I enjoyed this casserole for a couple of days but it’s one of those that actually tastes better with time. And yeah, you bet it was dinner the next day. But loaded with veggies and eggs, it’s hearty and keeps you full for hours afterward.

I spiced mine up with a whole ¼ cup of Franks hot sauce. And it gave the casserole so much flavor. If you’ve got little ones, you can cut the hot sauce back to a couple oftablespoons or leave it out altogether. But even with the ¼ cup added into the breakfast casserole, I still splashed on a little more before gobbling it down!

Make Ahead Veggie Breakfast Casserole Recipe | Little Spice Jar (3)

Let’s talk about the breakfast casserole recipe.

It’s super simple, I promise.

I sautéed the veggies separately in a skillet before layering them in. If you decide to use any kind of protein, just sauté it before adding it into the casserole.

So it starts like this – just spray a 9×13 casserole dish down with a good coating of cooking spray. We want the hash browns on the bottom to get nice and colored. Then add in the hash brown, pack them in firmly. Next, whisk the eggs, salt and pepper, milk, and if you’re using it, hot sauce, in a bowl and set it aside. Saute and add your protein +veggies on top of the potatoes and drizzle on your egg mixture. Top it with your favorite cheese and that’s it! Let it all bake up for 45 minutes and you’ve got a perfect breakfast casserole that’s great for brunch or lazy Saturday mornings.

Sometimes I like to assemble the casserole from the night before and let it come to room temperature for about 20 minutes while I enjoy a cup of coffee and bake it off in the morning.

Lazy Saturday morning breakfasts are my favorite part of the whole week.

Make Ahead Veggie Breakfast Casserole Recipe | Little Spice Jar (4)

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Yield: serves 10-12

Veggie-Loaded Breakfast Casserole

Prep Time20 minutes

Cook Time45 minutes

Total Time1 hour 5 minutes

A super simple veggie loaded breakfast casserole that's easily customizable! I loaded mine with shredded potato hash browns, tons of fresh veggies, and a big dash of hot sauce! You can add crumbled sausage, shredded chicken, or anything else you please!

Make Ahead Veggie Breakfast Casserole Recipe | Little Spice Jar (5)


  • 2 tablespoons oil
  • 8-10 mushrooms, sliced
  • 2 teaspoon minced garlic
  • ½ red onion, diced
  • 2 bell peppers, diced
  • 2 cups packed baby spinach, roughly chopped
  • 20 ounces shredded potatoes, thawed
  • 10 eggs
  • ⅓ cup half and half or milk (see notes)
  • ¼ cup hot sauce (more or less to taste)
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 cup shredded cheese (see notes)


  1. In a large skillet over medium heat, heat 1 tablespoon of oil. Add the mushrooms and sauté them for 4 minutes or until they start to brown. Add a small pinch of salt along withe onions and garlic and let cook for 2 minutes. Remove to a plate. Add the second tablespoon of oil, if needed, and sauté the peppers for 1 minute. Add in the baby spinach and allow it to wilt, remove from heat, set aside.
  2. Generously spray a 9x13 baking dish with nonstick cooking spray. Lay the shredded potatoes in the bottom of the dish and press to make sure they are spread out evenly. Add the veggies (both the mushrooms and the pepper mixtures) over the potatoes, set aside.
  3. Position a rack in the center of the oven and preheat the oven to 375ºF if you are baking the casserole immediately.
  4. In a large bowl, whisk together the egg, half and half, hot sauce, and a big pinch of salt and pepper. Pour the egg mixture over the prepared veggies. Sprinkle the cheese over the topand another small pinch of salt and pepper.
  5. Bake the casserole, uncovered, until the cheese melts, and the top gets in and golden, 45-50 minutes. Allow the casserole to cool for 10 minutes before slicing and serving.


  • TO MAKE AHEAD - prepare the casserole as directed, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight or as required (not to exceed 24 hours) and allow it to come to room temperature for 20 minutes before baking.
  • The half and half can be replaced with any nondairy milk such as almond, soy, cashew, etc.
  • OTHER ADD INS - I kept this recipe vegetarian, but you can certainly add in browned sausage, ground turkey/beef, shredded chicken or ham. The cheeses I recommend for this casserole are cheddar (mild or sharp), mozzarella, and pepper jack, or swiss).

Have you made this recipe?

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Make Ahead Veggie Breakfast Casserole Recipe | Little Spice Jar (6)

*Please note: the nutritional factscalculated are an estimate based on the ingredientsI’ve used.If you’d like a more accurate count, please calculate them using the ingredients/brands you’ve used to prepare the recipe. The nutritional factsprovided are for 1/12th of the recipe, assuming you use⅓ cup milk and cheddar cheese.

Make Ahead Veggie Breakfast Casserole Recipe | Little Spice Jar (7)

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Make Ahead Veggie Breakfast Casserole Recipe | Little Spice Jar (2024)


Can you make a casserole with raw eggs ahead of time? ›

Can You Make Egg Casserole Ahead of Time? This easy egg casserole is the perfect make-ahead breakfast. Simply combine the ingredients the night before and place the mixture in a prepared baking dish, then cover it tightly with storage wrap or foil. In the morning, bake the casserole according to the recipe.

Why is my breakfast casserole soggy? ›

Incorrect oven temperature - Casseroles that are baked at an oven temperature that is too low may not cook evenly, resulting in a soggy top and a firm or crunchy bottom. Too much liquid - Casseroles that have too much liquid may not be able to absorb all of the moisture, leading to a soggy top.

Can I bake an egg casserole and reheat it? ›

Bake the casserole for only 30 minutes. Cool to room temperature. Wrap tightly with foil or plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight, then reheat in a 375 F oven for 30 minutes the next morning until the casserole is browned and heated through.

Can I freeze an unbaked breakfast casserole? ›

Yes! If you're looking for a freezer breakfast casserole to eat at another time, this recipe is still for you! To make ahead/freeze this casserole: you can freeze unbaked casserole up to 2 months. Cover very tightly with plastic wrap and foil.

How long can you refrigerate a breakfast casserole before baking? ›

You can assemble the entire dish and refrigerate for up to 24 hours before baking.

Can you make a casserole with raw egg and leave it uncooked overnight in fridge? ›

An egg strata traditionally consists of layered bread, cheese, and other foods (such as cooked sausage, ham, bacon, shrimp, or vegetables) over which a mixture of raw beaten eggs and milk are poured. The casserole is covered and refrigerated overnight to allow the liquid ingredients to be absorbed into the bread.

How do you spice up a casserole? ›

Add fresh chilli and coriander to a simple casserole to spice it up. Always add hardy, fresh herbs such as bay leaves and rosemary at the beginning of cooking, and throw in lighter herbs, such as parsley and tarragon, at the end so they keep their flavour.

Is it better to freeze a breakfast casserole cooked or uncooked? ›

The answer depends on what's in it. Casseroles with raw protein (meat, poultry, seafood) should be completely cooked before freezing. However dishes with pre-cooked meats or no meat are fine to go in the freezer uncooked.

How do you make egg casserole not watery? ›

Add a starch. Even if you're a beginner cook, you probably know that adding a starch can help transform liquidy dishes into creamy delights. Cornstarch and flour are two popular options, but don't you dare add them directly to your casserole. Instead, make a slurry.

Can you make egg casserole 2 days ahead without? ›

Cover the casserole and store it (unbaked) in the refrigerator overnight or up to one day. Bake in the morning, according to recipe instructions. To freeze breakfast casserole prepare the recipe and add to your pan. Cover well with plastic wrap and then tinfoil and freeze for 2-3 months.

Why is my egg casserole not done in the middle? ›

High heat cooks the outside faster than the inside, leaving the middle uncooked. Reducing the temperature distributes heat more evenly, allowing the middle to cook through. If uncooked in the center then cover at the same temperature and ad 15 minutes before checking again.

How do you reheat an egg casserole without overcooking it? ›

If you baked your casserole ahead of time, simply cover the dish with foil and reheat at 350˚F until heated through. Depending on the type of dish, you may need to add moisture to keep it from drying out, for example, a splash of milk to baked macaroni and cheese.

Should you freeze egg casserole before or after baking? ›

If you pre-cook your ingredients before adding them to the casserole dish, it may be best to freeze it before baking. Then, when you're ready to eat the meal, you can allow the casserole to defrost in the fridge overnight and bake it in the morning.

How do you reheat a frozen breakfast casserole in the oven? ›

how to Reheat a casserole in the oven
  1. For best results, let the leftovers come to room temperature first. If you have a frozen casserole, thaw in the fridge overnight. ...
  2. Cover the baking tray with aluminum foil and place in a 350ºF oven. ...
  3. Last, you will need to check for cold spots and see if it is warm enough to enjoy.
Dec 13, 2022

Can you freeze scrambled eggs? ›

You can also freeze scrambled eggs after they have been cooked. This is a good way to meal prep for the week and to use in dishes like ham fried rice, or for a quick breakfast. They freeze well and taste really good. Let the cooked scrambled eggs cool completely.

How long can raw eggs sit out before baking? ›

According to the American Egg Board, you can leave eggs on the counter about 2 hours at room temperature (or 1 hour if the temperature is 90°F or hotter). After 2 hours, you'd be safer to throw those eggs out and get a fresh dozen rather than chance it.

Can you leave raw egg mixture in fridge? ›

If you've got raw egg yolks or whites left over from a recipe which you don't want to waste (let's face it, why would you?), you can store them in the fridge as long as you plan to use them within the next few days.

Can you put an uncooked casserole in the fridge? ›

Unless food will be frozen, it's safest and will provide the best quality product to start preparing most perishable foods no more than a day before a meal. For example, assemble a vegetable casserole a day in advance, refrigerate and then bake the day of your dinner.

Can you prep eggs in advance? ›

You can choose your favorite way to eat eggs and prepare them for the week ahead. You can boil, fry, or even freeze them. And, of course, you can cook egg-based dishes like omelettes, frittata, or egg casseroles. Then simply freeze them, and you'll have ready-made, delicious meals that you only need to reheat.

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