Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (2024)

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Check out this Turkey Tikka Masala recipe – it’s the perfect way to jazz up your leftover turkey into a tasty Indian-inspired dish!

Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (1)

You know how sometimes, when you use leftover turkey, it still kinda tastes like Thanksgiving dinner? Well, we’ve got you covered with this recipe that adds a delicious twist to your turkey leftovers. Plus, the best part is it’ll only take you 30 minutes from start to finish.

And guess what? If you don’t have turkey on hand, you can totally swap it out for leftover chicken, like some juicy rotisserie chicken, or even some leftover grilled shrimp. We’ve even gone the extra mile and tossed in some pre-cooked co*cktail shrimp to make this meal even more fantastic!

Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (2)

We adapted this awesome recipe from Takeout Kit, a meal delivery service that’s all about convenient and pantry-friendly meal kits. Their kit comes with everything you need for this dish (except for the leftover turkey, of course).

And the best part? You can find all the ingredients for this recipe at most big supermarket chains. So, no need to hunt down exotic spices or rare ingredients – this Turkey Tikka Masala recipe is super accessible and perfect for anyone to try! 🛒🍗🌶️

Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (3)

Tikka MasalaSeasoning

Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (4)You can find this Tikka Masala seasoning at Walmart and most large grocery stores, either in the spice aisle or in the international section. It comes in both dried in powder form and concentrated paste in a jar. Or, you can make your own, if you have a full spice cabinet.

Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (5)You can also find a Tikka Masalaready-to-eat sauce, which is called a “simmer sauce.” The simmer sauce includes nearly all of the ingredients you’ll need in the recipe, and transforms this into a 7-minute dish (but you’ll still need to cook the rice, which takes about 20 minutes).

If you’re using simmer sauce, sauté the onions and garlic in the recipe. Add in garbanzo beans and the simmer sauce. Cook for a few minutes. Stir in the cooked turkey to warm through. If you are serving four hearty eaters, make sure you get enough simmer sauce. If you like your Tikka Masala really saucy like I do, you’ll need 2 jars.

Turkey Talk!

This whole adventure started when we decided to take on the challenge of creating and testing “leftover turkey recipes” for the entire week. Instead of going through the trouble of roasting a turkey from scratch and then doing it all over again for Thanksgiving dinner, we were lucky enough to receive a fully roasted turkey from Diestel Ranch. You can snag one of their fantastic turkeys at Whole Foods or order them online.

Now, let’s talk about Diestel Family Turkey Ranch. They’re a fourth-generation family company that’s been in the turkey business since 1949, nestled in the picturesque Sierra Nevada foothills near Yosemite. They’ve been raising turkeys humanely and sustainably for generations, and that’s something we really admire.

And here’s the best part – they don’t just offer roasted turkeys. Nope, they’ve got a whole range of turkey goodies, like uncooked whole turkeys, turkey sausage, uncured turkey breast, smoked whole turkey, and more. So, big shout-out to the Diestel family for sending us that perfectly roasted bird for our recipe testing. You guys rock! 🦃👏

How to Make Leftover Turkey Tikka Masala

Start with making the basmati rice. Adding spices like a cinnamon stick, whole cloves and whole cardamom is optional, but it really does enhance the flavor of the rice.

Throw in the rice, spices, and salt into a saucepan. Add water, bring to boil. Cover and reduce heat to low. Cook 15 minutes, turn off heat. Leave it alone for 5 minutes. Remove spices.

Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (6)

While the rice is simmering away, it’s time to prepare the Tikka Masala.

Sauté onion and garlic in butter or ghee.

Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (7)

Add in the Tikka Masala seasoning, salt, and sugar.

Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (8)

Add in crushed tomatoes and garbanzo beans.

Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (9)

You can also add in coconut milk and dried fenugreek leaves, thought this is totally optional.

Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (10)

Simmer for a bit.

Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (11)

The last step is to stir in your diced leftover turkey.

Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (12)

Serve over rice.

Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (13)

And there you have it! You’ve successfully reinvented leftover turkey into a delicious new meal!

Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe

Recipe adapted from Takeout Kit.

If you are using Tikka Masala Simmer Sauce (already made liquid sauce sold in jars), see directions above.

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Prep Time 10 minutes mins

Cook Time 20 minutes mins

Servings 4



  • 2 cups raw basmati rice
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 2 whole cloves
  • 2 whole cardamom pods
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher/sea salt


  • 1 tablespoon butter (or ghee)
  • 1/2 medium onion, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, finely minced
  • 3 tablespoon tikka masala seasoning
  • 1/2 teaspoon cayenne chili powder (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon kosher/sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 14-ounce can crushed tomatoes
  • 1 14-ounce can garbanzo beans, drained
  • 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon dried fenugreek leaves (optional)
  • 2 cups cooked, diced turkey


  • Make rice: Rinse and drain the rice 3 times, until the water is just barely cloudy. In a medium saucepan with tight fitting lid, add the drained rice, cinnamon stick, cloves, cardamom pods and salt. Pour in 3 cups water and bring to a boil. Immediately cover and reduce heat to low. Cook for 15 minutes. Turn off heat, let sit, undisturbed for 5 minutes.

  • In the meantime, cook the Tikka Masala: In a large saucepan on medium heat, add the butter. When it begins to bubble a bit, add in the onion and saute for 2 minutes. Add in the garlic and saute another 30 seconds. Stir in the Tikka Masala spice, cayenne (if using), salt and sugar. Cook for another minute, stirring.

  • Add in the tomatoes, garbanzo beans, coconut milk, and fenugreek leaves (if using). Reduce heat to low, cover and cook for 3 minutes until sauce has a gravy-like consistency. Stir in the cooked turkey, and cook for an additional minute.

  • When rice is finished cooking, fluff with fork and remove rice spices. Serve with the Tikka Masala.

Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (14)Did you try this recipe? Please leave a star rating in the recipe card below and leave a review in the comment section! I always appreciate your feedback and I know other readers do, too!

Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (15)Stay in touch with me in our Facebook group, on Pinterest or follow me on Instagram! Sign up for my email list, too where we chat all things recipes, tips, giveaways, and more!

  1. Rick on 4/24/17 at 5:40 pm

    Tikka masala seasoning IS NOT available at ALL Walmarts and large grocery store. Better to go to a specialty Asian store.


  2. Neil | Spice Cauldron on 2/14/17 at 10:32 am

    Wow! I only just found this recipe. I’ll definitely have to try it out. I’ve recently posted on my blog about making chicken tikka masala from scratch. It’s a real labor of love, what with making the marinade, marinating the chicken overnight, separately cooking the reddened pieces of chicken tikka, and finally putting the whole thing together with the masala sauce. It is a wonderful authentic restaurant taste, but sometimes – it’s just nice to knock one up in half an hour and enjoy! So thanks, I’ll have to try the recipe with the simmer sauce and see how it compares. 🙂


  3. Sandre on 11/26/16 at 7:46 pm

    Delicious recipe! Thank you so much, we loved it. Made it on Sunday.


  4. Jessica Gavin on 11/26/16 at 2:56 pm

    What a great idea! This sounds and looks amazing 🙂


  5. Luis Shelby on 11/21/16 at 3:51 pm

    What a delicious dish! this I a visually appealing meal which I think would be great for parties and dinners!

    I will try this one out for the next get together!


  6. Brasserie Louis on 11/21/16 at 1:01 am

    It always happens that the turkey remains unfinished & this is a wonderful way to use the leftover turkey with a spicy, Indian touch to it!


    • Laura ~ Raise Your Garden on 12/16/16 at 8:57 am

      Especially when you make two turkeys! We can’t help it when they are 99 cents a pound. So cheap! Turkey is lean and scrumptious and this is such an inviting way to use the extra.


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Leftover Turkey: Tikka Masala Recipe (2024)


What to do with dry turkey leftovers? ›

The dried meat will absorb the moisture and be more edible. Make any kind of dish with a rich sauce, to give the dry meat some richness. Or just serve it with a rich gravy. The next time I do turkey and have leftovers I will make this recipe…..

What can I do with leftover turkey grease? ›

Dispose of it the Right Way

Pour the grease into a seal-tight container and throw in the waste bin. Some homeowners pour the grease down the drain or even the toilet. This can be catastrophic if the grease solidifies in the septic tank, leading to solid globs that clog the system.

How long is leftover turkey good for in the fridge? ›

USDA recommends using cooked turkey within 3 to 4 days, kept refrigerated (40°F or less). Refrigeration slows but does not stop bacterial growth. Turkey can be frozen for 3 to 4 months. Although safe indefinitely, frozen leftovers can lose moisture and flavor when stored for longer times in the freezer.

Can you freeze curry made from leftover turkey? ›

You can make your leftovers into new meals and then freeze them. If you make a new meal such as curry or casserole from the leftovers, then you can also freeze this, even if you are using turkey that was originally frozen.

How do you reheat leftover turkey and keep it moist? ›

Place the turkey pieces in a baking dish and drizzle with a few tablespoons of stock and/or butter. Cover the dish with foil and heat in the oven at 350°F for about 30 minutes. Alternatively, you can microwave the sliced turkey (cover with a damp paper towel) in a microwave-safe dish at 50% power in 1-minute intervals.

Is leftover turkey good after 7 days? ›

Turkey typically lasts up to four days in the fridge before it goes bad. It can be stored in the freezer for up to four months before it starts to lose its flavor and texture. The USDA offers the following tips for storing and handling your turkey leftovers.

What to do with extra turkey drippings? ›

Left over pan drippings from your roast turkey can be poured off into a separate container and used later to flavour a host of dishes such as soups, stews and mashed potatoes. You can freeze them in ice cube size quantities and store them for months, adding a few to a casserole to lift the flavour.

How do you reuse turkey drippings? ›

If you roasted a turkey, don't throw out the drippings from the pan! This flavorful liquid makes a great base for gravy, stock, or soup. Start by pouring the liquid through a fine mesh strainer and discard the solids. Then remove the fat that floats to the top.

What to do with oil after turkey? ›

1) Allow the oil to cool down, and then put it in leak-proof containers. 2) Check out 1800recycling.com to find a recycling center in your area. 3) Drop off the containers, or, depending on local regulations, you might be able to leave the containers next to your waste bins for pick-up on recycling day.

Is a 3 year old frozen turkey still good? ›

Frozen Turkey

Turkeys can be kept in the freezer indefinitely. However, cook turkeys within 1 year for the best quality.

Is it OK to eat turkey that's been in the fridge for 2 weeks? ›

If properly stored, raw turkey can last in the fridge for 1–2 days, while cold cuts last up to 5 days. How long does cooked turkey last in the fridge? If you have leftovers that include cooked turkey, you can expect those to last in the refrigerator for 3–4 days.

Is it safe to eat leftover turkey after 6 days? ›

Like other leftovers, leftover cooked turkey can—and will—go bad. “The texture and smell of turkey will indicate when it has gone bad,” Edwards says. “Generally it will smell bad and get a slimy texture. It's best to throw it away after four days in the fridge or move it to the freezer at that point.”

How long does leftover turkey curry last? ›

The UK's Food Standards Agency (FSA) advises that cooked turkey should be eaten or frozen within two days of cooking. Celebrity chef Vivek Singh says it can last a little longer. He says cooked turkey is good for up to five days – the day of cooking plus four more – if stored in the fridge.

Can I reheat turkey curry twice? ›

In the fridge Technically, you shouldn't reheat food more than once, according to the Food Standards Agency. So if your turkey was roasted on Christmas Day and then reheated to make this curry, really you should be eating it straight away.

How many times can you reheat turkey curry? ›

As the turkey has already been cooked and reheated once you should avoid reheating the curry as meat shouldn't be reheated more than once for food safety reasons. If you'd like to make this curry ahead of time simply follow the instructions to make the sauce but don't add the turkey.

How do you moisten a turkey the next day? ›

You don't want the meat to dry out while it sits overnight, so you will need to cover it with a liquid. Spoon some chicken broth or the drippings from the roasting pan (and the cutting board) over the turkey so it stays moist.

What to do with leftover turkey drippings? ›

If you roasted a turkey, don't throw out the drippings from the pan! This flavorful liquid makes a great base for gravy, stock, or soup. Start by pouring the liquid through a fine mesh strainer and discard the solids. Then remove the fat that floats to the top.

How long does dried turkey last? ›

Dehydrating meat is a great way to preserve and store it for up to 30 years when done correctly. Dehydrating meat involves removing water content and achieving a kill step temperature of 165°F is essential to ensure that all harmful bacteria are eliminated.

Why is my turkey dry and tough? ›

Turkey is a lean meat, and Healthline reports that turkey has slightly less fat in its dark meat than chicken. Another reason why turkey may be dry is due to its poor breast-to-leg ratio. By the time one gets the leg meat to cook to temperature so it's safe for consumption, the breast meat often has dried out.

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.