EPIC Stuffed Garlic Bread - The BEST Garlic Bread Recipe! (2024)

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This Epic Stuffed Garlic Bread is the best garlic bread recipe you will ever make. It’s buttery, cheesy and LOADED with fresh garlic!

EPIC Stuffed Garlic Bread - The BEST Garlic Bread Recipe! (1)

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  • This is the BEST Garlic Bread Recipe
  • How to Make Homemade Garlic Bread
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This is the BEST Garlic Bread Recipe

So bread is one of those foods that I consider “special occasion”. Yes, I seriously said that. And since today we’re talking about not only bread, but my EPIC Stuffed Garlic Bread recipe it must be a very special occasion, indeed…or not…let me explain.

Like a slice of chocolate cake is pretty much an everyday deal around here, but indulging in the bread basket at a restaurant…well someone must have just won the lottery/got engaged/having a milestone birthday/won a Grammy.

I don’t really try to understand the logic, nor will I try and explain it…however, just know my brain works a little backwards. It’s basically prioritizing my carbs in the most enjoyable way possible. Kinda like drinking a diet soda while eating a Snickers.

Anyway, bread is not a food I like to drop precious carbs on. UNLESS we are talking about my EPIC Stuffed Garlic Bread recipe.

Folks. This garlic bread is worth it, trust me. It might even be worth skipping the cake for. I can’t. believe. I. just. said. that.

EPIC Stuffed Garlic Bread - The BEST Garlic Bread Recipe! (2)

How to Make Homemade Garlic Bread

Since we’re going there today, you know, you might as well GO. THERE.

Let’s talk about the dirty details.

First, Make the Filling

To start, we are going to grab a bowl and mince some garlic.

EPIC Stuffed Garlic Bread - The BEST Garlic Bread Recipe! (3)

How much garlic is TOO much garlic?

Now, when I wrote the recipe, I said 4-6 cloves. This depends on a few important factors…the size of the cloves, the intensity your love of garlic, and who you will be spending the remainder of your evening with.

Let me break it down 6 cloves = opposite sides of the bed facing outwards. 4 cloves = we both are kind stinky, but hey we’re stinky together.

Got it?

Oh and add your parsley.

EPIC Stuffed Garlic Bread - The BEST Garlic Bread Recipe! (4)

Next butter, obvi. Then salt and pepper (and cayenne if you’re feeling spicy) and a little olive oil.

EPIC Stuffed Garlic Bread - The BEST Garlic Bread Recipe! (5)

THEN freshly grated Parmesan. Please please you must use freshly grated. Do NOT use the powdery stuff and also the pre-grated is no bueno here either. Fresh.

Then mix it up together.

EPIC Stuffed Garlic Bread - The BEST Garlic Bread Recipe! (6)

Now, Stuff the Garlic Bread

Now grab your loaf of bread. I use a large loaf of Ciabatta when making this recipe. But you can use whatever you like best…just not a French Baguette…it’s not fat enough.

Slice the loaf almost all the way through, leaving the bottom of the loaf intact for stuffing.

Then grab some of your buttery garlic mixture and get to filling…

EPIC Stuffed Garlic Bread - The BEST Garlic Bread Recipe! (7)

Fill all the slices. You will think it’s too much filling. It isn’t.

Then wrap your garlic bread in foil, bake it for 25 minutes, remove the foil and bake for 5 more to make it all crispy and delicious.

EPIC Stuffed Garlic Bread - The BEST Garlic Bread Recipe! (9)

And then behold…

EPIC Stuffed Garlic Bread - The BEST Garlic Bread Recipe! (10)

Seriously. This epic stuffed garlic bread recipe is the best. It’s garlicky, packed with flavor and cheesy, but not too cheesy.


    EPIC Stuffed Garlic Bread - The BEST Garlic Bread Recipe! (11)

    Epic Stuffed Garlic Bread

    5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star 5 from 8 reviews

    • Author: Cookies & Cups
    • Prep Time: 10 minutes
    • Cook Time: 30 minutes
    • Total Time: 40 minutes
    • Yield: 10 large slices 1x
    • Category: Bread
    • Method: Baking
    • Cuisine: Dinner




    This Epic Stuffed Garlic Bread is the best garlic bread recipe you will ever make. It’s buttery, cheesy and LOADED with fresh garlic!



    • 1 large loaf Ciabatta bread
    • 46 cloves garlic, minced
    • 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
    • 1/2 cup room temperature butter, cut into pieces
    • 2 tablespoons olive oil
    • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
    • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    • 1 cup fresh grated Parmesan cheese
    • *optional 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper


    1. Preheat oven to 425°F/220°C
    2. Using a serrated knife cut your bread into thick slices leaving about 1/2- inch at the bottom uncut. Be careful not to cut the bread all the way through, as you need the bread to hold together to contain all the filling.
    3. In a medium bowl combine the remaining ingredients with a fork.
    4. Stuff the filling into the crevices of the bread evenly. You might think you have too much filing, you don’t. Use it all.
    5. Wrap the bread tightly in aluminum foil, place the bread on a baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes. Uncover the bread and bake for an additional 5 minutes to crisp up the outside of the bread.
    6. Serve warm.


    You can adjust the amount of garlic depending on the size of the cloves and how much you love garlic.
    Additionally you can omit the cayenne pepper if you prefer no heat.


    • Serving Size: 1 slice
    • Calories: 237
    • Sugar: 1.3 g
    • Sodium: 562.6 mg
    • Fat: 15.5 g
    • Carbohydrates: 18.6 g
    • Protein: 6.6 g
    • Cholesterol: 30.2 mg

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    EPIC Stuffed Garlic Bread - The BEST Garlic Bread Recipe! (2024)


    How do you keep garlic bread from getting soggy? ›

    All you really should need for your garlic bread is to warm the bread and toast the top a little. This can be done quickly, and the bread toasted and eaten while still warm and fresh, so it doesn't have time to get soggy.

    What is the difference between garlic bread and garlic toast? ›

    Garlic bread (also called garlic toast) consists of bread (usually a baguette, sour dough, or bread such as ciabatta), topped with garlic and occasionally olive oil or butter and may include additional herbs, such as oregano or chives. It is then either grilled until toasted or baked in a conventional or bread oven.

    Why is minced garlic best for garlic bread? ›

    Garlic: fresh garlic cloves (rather than garlic powder) are KEY for that true garlic flavor. The minced garlic gets roasted to perfection in the oven.

    What are the best dinners to have garlic bread with? ›

    Garlic bread is practically synonymous with red sauce cuisine like spaghetti and meatballs, but what other Italian dishes complement this favored side? Turns out, creamy chicken pasta dishes also make for a superb pairing with garlic bread.

    How can I make my bread more moist? ›

    Reheat bread: Before serving, you can reheat bread in the oven or on a pan to restore some of the bread's moisture. Brush bread with butter or oil: Before baking, you can brush the bread with butter or oil to keep it from drying out as it bakes.

    Should I wrap my garlic bread in tin foil? ›

    By baking the bread in foil for the first 10 minutes, you allow the ciabatta to soften, which will give you a pillowy, chewy inside. Wrapping the bread also keeps the garlic from burning. Unwrapping the bread and baking it more adds color and will crisp up the crust for the perfect crunchy outside.

    Is French or Italian better for garlic bread? ›

    What is the best bread for garlic bread? French breads and Italian breads top the list for the best bread for garlic bread, but the best choice between these comes down to personal preference. For example, ciabatta is a flat Italian bread with a larger crumb (bigger holes) but still with a crunchy crust.

    What is a interesting fact about garlic bread? ›

    Garlic bread is widely popular across Europe, and is available in many different food shops and restaurants.
    • In German-speaking countries, it is known as Knoblauchbrot.
    • In Greece, garlic bread often contains olives and onions.
    • In France, it was common in Provence, where it was called chapon and served with salad.
    Oct 16, 2023

    What is the end of garlic bread called? ›

    The proper term is “heel,” according to the Cambridge Dictionary. Some may call it just “the end piece” or “the butt” when going with true informality. Some Redditors even refer to them as the “crusts,” a double whammy for both the outside of each slice and the end of the loaf itself.

    Why is garlic bread cut diagonally? ›

    “We like to cut diagonally because it creates that corner piece that is a different texture compared to the rest,” Zaro said. “That's usually everyone's favorite.” The bite is usually juicier than the rest, offering a burst of flavors that's the likely result of the concentration of all ingredients.

    Which is better minced garlic in water or oil? ›

    Garlic stored in water at room temperature lost about half its allicin in 6 days and garlic in vegetable oil lost half its allicin in less than an hour. The garlic lost its antibacterial action as allicin broke down.

    Why is garlic green on garlic bread? ›

    The colour is probably the result of a reaction between sulphur compounds and amino acids (building blocks of protein) that are naturally present in garlic. In certain cooking conditions, these compounds (assisted by enzymes) interact to produce new molecules that give a green tint to the garlic.

    How do Italians eat garlic bread? ›

    While we might know bruschetta as the toasted bread topped with garlicky chopped tomatoes that was often offered as an appetizer on many restaurant menus in the 1990s (via Cook In/Dine Out), in Italy, "bruschetta" typically refers to a thick slice of bread that's simply toasted, rubbed with cut garlic, doused in good ...

    Is it OK to eat garlic bread everyday? ›

    True to form, moderation is key. Enjoying the occasional slice of traditional indulgent garlic bread is perfectly fine — good even, for the soul. Just balance it out with more nutritious choices for the rest of your meals that day, like a fiber-full salad. Consider it a special treat, not an everyday side.

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    How to reheat garlic bread on the Stove
    1. Preheat a skillet on the stove over medium heat.
    2. Put a thin layer of butter or olive oil in the bottom of the pan (this step is optional but encouraged).
    3. Place slices of garlic bread cut side down and heat until warm and slightly crispy, around 2 minutes.
    Apr 1, 2023

    How do you keep garlic bread fresh for lunch? ›

    Since there's butter on it, I usually wrap it in aluminium foil and refrigerate it. It doesn't keep long, though, like any bread so I usually use it the next day. Depends on how long you want to keep it. wrap it in a plastic bag for a day or two or put it in a freezer bag for up to a month.

    Why does bread get soggy on the bottom? ›

    Most loaves are soggy at the bottom because they've not had the heat but you can simulate that at home by using a hot stone.

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    Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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    Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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    Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.