Flowers, socks and sparkling wine: Queen Camilla reveals some of her favorite brands | CNN (2024)

Flowers, socks and sparkling wine: Queen Camilla reveals some of her favorite brands | CNN (1)

Queen Camilla meets nurses and members of staff during a visit to the Royal London Hospital to mark International Nurses Day on May 9.

Editor’s Note: This is a version of CNN’s Royal News, a weekly dispatch bringing you the inside track on Britain’s royal family.Sign up here.

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Queen Camillahas granted her first royal warrants to seven companies, including Shane Connolly, the designer behindthe floral arrangements atlast year’s Coronationand the King and Queen’s 2005 wedding, as well as the upmarket central London department store Fortnum & Mason.

The seven companies chosen by Camilla are among 145 previously selected by King Charles III when he was Prince of Wales, which have now had their warrants renewed following his ascent to the throne.

Royal warrants act as a stamp of approval to indicate the preferred goods and services used by the royal household and senior members of the royal family.

So, if you want to know where Charles and Camilla go hat shopping or buy their wine or organic meat from, it’s worth checking out which companies made the cut.

The use of royal warrants can be traced back to medieval times when Henry II first granted a Royal Charter to the Weavers’ Company, according to the Royal Warrants Holders Association. In the 15th century, the first official royal warrants were granted, including to the King’s printer, William Caxton.

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - NOVEMBER 09: (EMBARGOED FOR PUBLICATION IN UK NEWSPAPERS UNTIL 24 HOURS AFTER CREATE DATE AND TIME) Queen Camilla (Patron of the Poppy Factory) visits the 95th Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey on November 9, 2023 in London, England. The Field of Remembrance has been held in the grounds of Westminster Abbey since November 1928, to commemorate those who have lost their lives serving in the Armed Forces. (Photo by Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images) Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images Related article Queen Camilla won’t add any new furs to her wardrobe

Selected companies are given permission to use the royal coat of arms on their packaging, vehicles and advertising for five years. Today, the act of officially endorsing particular brands remains one of the last remaining powers of the British monarchy not influenced by Parliament.

Brand finance expert David Haigh says that customers are willing to pay between 12% and 24% extra for brands that have a royal warrant, according to research carried out by his consultancy last year.

“There is no doubt that once you get a royal warrant, it does make a difference, day-to-day on the street when people are buying your products and when it comes to the sale of a company,” he told CNN.

Flowers, socks and sparkling wine: Queen Camilla reveals some of her favorite brands | CNN (3)

A window display at Fortnum and Mason celebrates the coronation of King Charles III on April 29, 2023 in London, England.

They can also benefit British companies on the international stage, Haigh added. “There are plenty of situations where British brands are forging ahead in places like America, the Middle East, China, and having a royal warrant definitely helps.”

Royal warrants are given to a wide range of individuals and companies in various sectors, from agriculture and conservation to office supplies and clothing.

Other companies on the King and Queen’s latest list include Wartski, a London-based jewelry business, Corgi Hosiery Ltd, a Welsh independent sock manufacturer, and Camel Valley, a vineyard in Cornwall trusted to make sparkling wines for the royals.

“Her Majesty has taken a keen interest in the development of English wines,” said Bob Lindo, managing director of Camel Valley, adding that she has been “a terrific source of encouragement and enthusiasm.”

“To now have been appointed as one of her first warrant holders is very special,” he said.

Getting the royal seal of approval takes several years and involves a tough application process. “If you have been offering your goods to one of the royal palaces that grant these things for more than five years continuously, you are eligible to apply,” Haigh says.

This undated photo issued on Tuesday May 14, 2024 by Buckingham Palace shows artist Jonathan Yeo's oil on canvas portrait of Britain's King Charles III. The portrait was commissioned in 2020 to celebrate the then Prince of Wales's 50 years as a member of The Drapers' Company in 2022. The artwork depicts the King wearing the uniform of the Welsh Guards, of which he was made Regimental Colonel in 1975. Jonathan Yeo/PA/AP Related article King Charles’ first official portrait since coronation proves divisive

This year there was a “rigorous focus on acting for a sustainable future,” according to Tom Athron, CEO of Fortnum & Mason, the luxury London-based food and drinks store which was granted one of Camilla’s first royal warrants.

Haigh has also noticed this shift towards good environmental practice. “It seems quite clear that if there are any [Environmental, Social and Governance] problems with the company, they will not get a royal warrant,” he said.

“Now that actually creates a bit of a double whammy of benefit to those companies. If someone in the royal family uses your product, they like it and they think it’s good, that’s one thing. If on the other hand they are endorsing the fact that you have high standards of ESG, in the current world, that is worth its weight in gold.”

Flowers, socks and sparkling wine: Queen Camilla reveals some of her favorite brands | CNN (2024)
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