Easy Four Cheese Lasagna - All My Good Things (2024)

Easy Four Cheese Lasagna - All My Good Things (1)

Anyone else here a Lasagna lover?!

I am just a huge fan of lasagna! It is most likely in my top 5 favorite dishes to eat.

The layers get to me Every. Single. Time.

How can life be bad with layers of pasta, cheese, and sauce?

As my children pointed out at dinner while eating this Lasagna, even Garfield the cat knows this is the best meal ever!!!

I wish I would have had my camera beside me at the table to snap a picture of my girls who ate an extremely large helping of lasagna and then proceeded to lick the plate and then put said plate on their head.

Yes. We did have sauce and cheese rubbed deep into the roots of my two gorgeous 2 year olds!

Easy Four Cheese Lasagna - All My Good Things (2)

There is a misconception out there that Lasagna is really difficult and time consuming to make. But I am here to let you know that it is not!!! I do not cook my noodles before layering the lasagna. I add extra sauce and have never had a problem with my lasagna layers not turning out perfectly cooked.

I love to make this lasagna on Saturday evening before bed. Stick it in the fridge and Sunday lunch is ready to go with no extra work but preheating the oven or setting the delay timer and sticking the pan of lasagna in! Life is GOOD when you have pan of ready to eat when you walk in the door!

My mom made lasagna all the time growing up. RAGU Homestyle Sauces just remind me so much of my childhood and the amazing smells and tastes that would be waiting for me at the dinner table. I am glad my mom was brilliant and made sure I knew that I didn’t need to cook my lasagna noodles before making my layers. Such great advice from any mother to daughter!

I am glad I can pass onto my children little tips and tricks in the kitchen that will bring back fond memories of the dinner table. We make it a priority to eat at the table as often as possible with the whole family. And I don’t have any plans to stop that tradition!

Easy Four Cheese Lasagna - All My Good Things (3)


  • 1 cup Ricotta Cheese
  • 1 cup Cottage Cheese
  • 1 cup frozen Spinach, thawed &drained
  • 1 Egg
  • 1/2 cup + 1/4 cup Parmesan Cheese
  • 2 1/2 – 3 jars RAGU Homestyle Sauce (I used Thick & Hearty Mushroom)
  • 1 lb ground Beef or Italian Sausage, cooked
  • 2 – 3 cups shredded Mozarella
  • 1 box Lasagna Noodles

Easy Four Cheese Lasagna - All My Good Things (4)


  1. In a medium bowl stir together ricotta, cottage cheese, spinach, egg, & 1/2 cup parmesan cheese until well combined.
  2. Spray a 9×13 pan with cooking spray.
  3. Spread a layer of RAGU Homestyle sauce on the bottom of the pan.
  4. Lay out uncooked lasagna noodles side by side on the pan. Break off a part of the noodles to fit into pan.
  5. Spread 1/3 of the ricotta cheese mixture over the noodles.
  6. Sprinkle 1/2 cup of mozzarella on next.
  7. Spread RAGU sauce over cheese.*Be generous with your sauce. It is the liquid which the noodles will cook in.
  8. Repeat layers. Noodles, cheese mixture, mozzarella, & sauce.**Approximately 3-4 layers of noodles can be layered in a 9×13 pan without overflowing.
  9. Final layer should be sauce.
  10. Top with remaining mozzarella and 1/4 cup parmesan cheese.
  11. Cover with tin foil and bake at 350˚ for one hour.
  12. Remove foil and bake Lasagna for 10 minutes more.
  13. Allow lasagna to sit for 15 minutes before cutting into and serving.

Happy Eating!

Are you a fan of Lasagna? What is your favorite Pasta dish?


  1. Easy Four Cheese Lasagna - All My Good Things (7)Lois Alter Mark says

    I am a huge lasagna lover! This looks amazing, and I’m definitely going to try it.


  2. Easy Four Cheese Lasagna - All My Good Things (8)Moncia says

    Lasagne is a huge favorite in our house! If I don’t make it for a week or so my hubby starts hinting to have dinner at his favorite Italian restaurant and he always orders Lasagne. He would fit right in with your girls!!!!


  3. Easy Four Cheese Lasagna - All My Good Things (9)Megan Marlowe says

    I love how simple and delicious his lasagna looks. Can’t wait to try it!


  4. Easy Four Cheese Lasagna - All My Good Things (10)Tamara says

    Yes, I LOVE lasagna! Like Garfield. I recently ordered it at a fancy restaurant and it was divine. I love all the new Ragu sauces. I think they’re incredible.


  5. Easy Four Cheese Lasagna - All My Good Things (11)Melanie says

    Definitely one of my favorite dishes, especially when I get to make it with my kids. Your recipe, especially with the mushroom Ragu, sounds divine.

  6. Easy Four Cheese Lasagna - All My Good Things (12)Rosey says

    This looks great. Lasagna is my favorite poasta dish. Manicotti is a close second.


  7. Easy Four Cheese Lasagna - All My Good Things (13)Jamela Porter says

    I love to make lasagna. I am half Italian on my father’s side. I am going to try out your recipe.


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Easy Four Cheese Lasagna - All My Good Things (16)

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Easy Four Cheese Lasagna - All My Good Things (2024)
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